Date of Birth
Jul. 28th 1984
Associate Professor
Regional Economics
Contact Information
Main research fields:
Urban and Regional Economics, Real Estate Economics, Econometric Analysis
•Ph.D. Econometrics,Business College, Jilin University, 2009-2012
•Visiting Scholar Economics, Waseda University, Japan, 2010-2011
•M.A. Econometrics, Business College, Jilin University, 2007-2009
•B.A. Financial Management, Business College, Jilin University, 2003-2007
Academic Appointments:
•Lecturer Northeast Asian Studies College, Jilin University Sep.2012-Sep.2014
•Associate Professor Northeast Asian Studies College, Jilin University Sep. 2014-now
Honor & Awards
(1) The third prize of the 15th excellent achievement award of philosophy and social science of Jiangsu Province. (Jiang Guogang, Zhao Yang) Certificate No.: 150364. November 2018.
(2) Selected in 2017 Jilin University excellent young teacher training program
(3) September 2009 - June 2012, first class of Postgraduate Scholarship of Jilin University
(4) The second prize of the 24th & 26th Graduate Elite Cup Academic Achievement Competition of Jilin University
(5) Third prize of the 2nd and 4th Doctoral Academic Forum of Jilin University
(6) The title of “Excellent Employee” of Northeast Asian Research Institute in 2020
Journal Articles:
(1) Iokibe Makoto, Zhao Yang (Interpreter). Analysis of the Misunderstanding of the US "New Cold War" Policy: Sino-US-Japan Relations in the Transformation of the World Structure [J]. Northeast Asia Forum, 2020, 06:3-24
(2) Chongwen ZHONG, Yang ZHAO*. Factor Efficiency of the Seafood E-commerce Industry: An Exploratory Study in Coastal Cities of China [J]. Journal of Coastal Research, 2020, SI 106: 309-313. DOI: 10.2112/SI106-072.1
(3) ZHAO Yang, Wei Ran. Research on the Impact of Demographic Change on Housing Prices in Japan and its Regional Differences Chinese [J]. Contemporary Economy of Japan, 2020, 03:54-64.
(4) ZHAO Yang, LI Tiantu, Jiang Guogang, Wang Liwei. Zhang Wenxi. Chinese Carbon Emission Policy and Economic Growth Based on DSGE Model [J]. Soft Science, 2018, 08:15-19.
(5) ZHAO Yang, WANG Xiaodan. A Summary of the Research on the Influencing Factors of Housing Price in China [J]. China Market, 2017, 25:18-19.
(6) ZHAO Yang. Accelerating the construction of the urban area of Ha Chang, Changchun-Jilin should seek new opportunities for development in the industrial docking [N]. Jilin Daily, 2016-07-28.
(7) ZHAO Yang, ZHANG Jiaqi. Comparative Analysis of the Impacts of House Price Fluctuation on Residential Consumption between China and Japan [J]. Contemporary Economy of Japan, 2016, 05:64-74.
(8) ZHAO Yang. The Path Choice of Stable Production and Increase Production of Grain in China [J]. Study & Exploration, 2015, 10:117-120.
(9) ZHAO Yang, YU Yanliang. Research on the Current Situation and Development Trend of E-Commerce in China [J]. International Journal of E-Trade, 2015,5(1):1-24.
(10) ZHAO Yang. Analysis of the Benefits of Using Grain Direct Subsidy Funds [J].Social Science Front, 2014, 01:259-260.
(11) ZHAO Yang, ZHANG Yishan, ZHAO Wensheng. Research on the Relationship among Real Estate Market, Household Consumption and Economic Growth [J]. Economic Science, 2011, 06:30-41.
(12) ZHANG Yishan, ZHAO Yang, ZHAI Yan. Re-understanding of the Significance and Ways of Expanding Domestic Demand [J]. Social Science Front, 2011, 09: 31-39.
(13) ZHANG Yishan, ZHAO Yang. The Relationship among Selling Price of Houses, Land Price and Rental Price in China [J]. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, 2010, 01:74-83+159.
(14) YU Yanliang, GUO Hongpeng, ZHAO Yang, LU Jingfu. Analysis of the Spillover Effect of Central Cities on Regional E-commerce Development [J]. Statistics & Decision, 2018, 01:106-108.
(15) JIANG Guogang, GU Tingting, ZHAO Yang. Study on the Carbon Emission Influence Factors and Regional Difference in China from the Perspective of Nonlinearity [J]. Soft Science, 2016, 07:53-57.
(16) GUO Hongpeng, YU Yanliang, ZHAO Yang. Pattern and Influencing Factors of Agricultural Operators Spatial Distribution on Agri-E-Commerce Platform: Based on Data from Alibaba E-Commerce Platform [J]. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University (Social Sciences Edition), 2016, 01:42-48+163.
(17) QI Dapeng, ZHAO Yang, ZHAO Miaomiao. Construction and Application of Financial Analysis Model for Real Estate Investment Projects [J]. Economic Review Journal, 2014, 06:115-119.
(18) QI Dapeng, ZHAO Yang, ZHENG Jinyu. Rethinking the Transmission Mechanism of Real Estate Wealth Effect and Its Influencing Factors [J]. Economic Vision, 2013, 09:64-66.
(19) ZHAO Wensheng, ZHANG Yishan, ZHAO Yang. An Analysis of the Relationship of RMB Appreciation, Hot Money Inflow and House Price: Trends and Fluctuations [J]. World Economy Studies, 2011, 05:15-19+26+87.
(20) ZHAO Wensheng, ZHANG Yishan, ZHAO Yang. Analysis of Responses of Short -term International Capital flows to Changes of China’s Markets [J]. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2011, 03:104-117.
(21) FANG Yi, ZHAO Yang, GAO Dan. A Research on the Relationship between Housing Price and Land Price in China [J]. Statistics & Information Forum, 2009, 06:83-88.
(1) WU Hao, LIAN Xiaomei, LI hanbin, ZHAO YANG. A Study on Trade Relations and International Competitiveness of Industries among China, Japan and Korea. Jilin People’s Press, Feb 2017.
(2) ZHAO Yang. Simulation Research on China's Real Estate Market Regulation Policies from the Perspective of DSGE Model. Jilin People’s Press, Dec 2018.
(3) ZHAO Yang. The Research on Wealth Effect of China’s Real Estate Market. Jilin People’s Press, May 2014.
(4) JIANG Guogang, ZHAO Yang. Research on Government Environmental Responsibility from the Perspective of Regional Economic Differences. Jilin University Press, Sep 2016.
International Conferences:
(1) ZHAO Yang. “Silk Roadon the Ice” Constructionunder the BRI Initiative: China's Participation in Arctic Cooperation [C]. Sino-Russian Maritime Forum, Changchun, China,2019.10.21.
(2) ZHAO Yang; YU Yanliang. Research on the Current Situation and Development Trend of E-commerce in China [C]. 14th E-Trade International Forum (The Role of E-Trade of E-Logistics with Spread of Regional Agreements in Northeast Asia), Seoul, Korea, 2015.05.22-2015.05.23
(3) ZHAO Yang. The Transport Corridors Construction of Northeast Asia and the Cooperation between China and Russia [C]. HIRS/RIG Annual International Forum 2014 (Seeking the Cooperation and Roles of Northeast Asian Countries for the Activation of Exchanges with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Siberia and Russian Far East), Chunceon, Korea, 2014.10.02-2014.10.02
(4) ZHAO Yang,ZHANG Yishan. Research on Wealth Effect of China's Real Estate Market——Based on Empirical and Comparative Analysis in Different Periods [C]. 2011 National Doctoral Forum and Macroeconomic Young Scholars Forum, Xiamen, China, 2011.12.04-2011.12.06
Research Projects:
As a project leader:
(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China, “Research on Regional Differentiation and Correlation Effect in China's Real Estate Market from A Resource-Misallocation Perspectives”(71973051), 2020.01-2023.12.
(2) National Natural Science Foundation of China, “Research on Transmission Mechanism and Simulation of China's Real Estate Regulation Policy under the DSGE Framework Containing Heterogeneous Consumers”(71403099), 2015.01-2017.12.
(3) Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Major Project (Sub-Project), “Economic Structure Adjustment and Industrial International Cooperation in the Northeast Old Industrial Base”(16JJD790013), 2016.11-now.
(4) Jilin Province Social Science Fund (Doctor Support Project), “Research on the Development Trend of Real Estate Industry in Jilin Province” (2014BS21), 2014.05-2018.05.
(5) Jilin Provincial Agriculture Committee, “Jilin Province Agricultural Foreign Development and Development Plan”, 2018.03-2018.09.
(6) Tumen City Development and Reform Bureau, “Tumen City's "13th Five-Year" Tourism Development Plan”, 2015.11-2016.11.
(7) Jilin Province Development and Reform Commission, “Jilin Province Construction Modern Service Industry System Research”, 2013.12-2014.12.
(8) Jilin Province Development and Reform Commission, “Sub-project 4th of Changji Integrated Regional Development and Northeast Asian Regional Cooperation Research: Sino-Japanese Relations and Cooperation between Changji and Japan”, 2013.12-2014.12.
(9) Jilin University Basic Research Project, “Research on the Impact of China's Real Estate Market on Residents' Consumption and Macroeconomics”. 2012.10-2013.10.
(10) Jilin University Basic Research Project, “Analysis of Regional Differences in China's Real Estate Market and its Impact on Economic Growth”, 2017.06-now.
(11) Project entrusted by Jilin Universit, “Impact of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia on “Industrial Internet” Enterprises and Countermeasures Research”, 2020.03-now.
Consulting Reports:
In recent years, I have been providing consulting services for Jilin Provincial Government Counselor Office, Foreign Affairs Office of Jilin Provincial Government, and Jilin Provincial Agriculture Committee, and have written several consulting reports on Jilin Province's foreign agricultural cooperation, foreign trade cooperation, and agricultural development in Jilin Province.